Versatility Award
The ACDCC VA Program is progressive and recognizes success achieved by individual dogs over their lifetime. There are five award levels, to recognize and reward dogs and owners from a beginning award level to achieving the pinnacle of success in one or several of the targeted areas.
Kiki AKA WayOut's When There Are Nine RATN DSA ASA - Dockdiving - Photographer Jill Gibbs

Kipling AKA 4xAOM Am GCHB Can GCH Psycht's Unforgiving Minute HIC BN CDX NAP NJP DS DJA - conformation -
Photographer Phyllis Ensley
Versatility Started (VS)
Requires five (5) points from at least 3 different categories, with at least one point coming from a performance category. VS title to be place as a suffix (end of dog’s name). A certificate will be awarded.
Versatility Intermediate (VI)
Requires ten (10) points from at least 3 different categories, including at least two novice level 2-point titles in at least 2 performance categories. VI title to be place as a suffix (end of dog’s name). A certificate will be awarded.
Versatility Excellent (VX)
Requires fifteen (15) points from at least 4 different categories, including at least 2 performance categories; dog must achieve an intermediate level title (minimum 5 points) in a performance category. VX title to be place as a suffix (end of dog’s name). A certificate will be awarded.

Ch. Agassiz's The Great Conjunction, SX2, T3, CCF3 aka Jove - Sprinter - Shelley Victoria Photography

Clemeneau’s Benjamin CGN RN BH-VT - Obedience - Sasha Arseneau
Versatility Champion (VCH)
Requires twenty (20) points from at least 4 different categories, including at least 3 performance categories; dog must achieve at least one performance advance level titles (minimum 7 points) and one performance intermediate level title (minimum 5 points). VCH title to be place as a prefix (beginning of dog’s name). A certificate and plaque will be awarded.
Versatility Master Champion (VMCH)
Requires twenty-five (25) points from at least 5 different categories, including at least 3 performance categories and a Conformation Championship; dog must achieve one advance performance level title (minimum 7 points) and two intermediate performance titles (minimum 5 points). VMCH title to be place as a prefix (beginning of dog’s name). A certificate and plaque will be awarded.

BBPIG Agassiz's Always A Dreamer, aka DeeDee, herding - Lorraine Norris
There are nine (9) categories, in which have been divided between competitive and non-competitive, in which points can be earned:
Competitive Performance:
A – Obedience B – Rally C – Herding D – Agility E – Conformation M - Miscellaneous
F - Therapy/Service/Active Duty H - Health Testing R – Responsible Ownership
Titles/certificates must be awarded from recognized registries, agencies or dog sport organizations. The approved organizations are listed at the top of each category column.
The first six categories (A-F) are performance categories. Categories A-F recognize achievements based on a point-value. Points in these 6 categories are not cumulative (i.e. if dog has both CDI and HIT, only 3 points will be awarded in this category). Points will be credited for the highest title achieved in each category A-E. The dog must have passed the test or accomplishment listed in order to be awarded point value. Achievements/certificates acquired in categories R & M are valued one point each, to a maximum of 7 points in each category. Refer to the ACDCC VA Program Point-Earning Achievement chart for listing of the categories, titles, awards and points.
Applicants must be a member in good standing of the ACDCC. The applicant must have owned or co-owned the dog when the dog earned at least one title listed from the categories A-E.
The program is designed to make versatility awards at some level accessible for all dogs and all owners. For example, if a dog does not have the health credentials and/or conformation quality to be a breeding prospect, the dog can still earn points in the “Responsible Ownership” category by being spayed or neutered, in recognition of the owners’ responsible decision not to breed that dog. A dog whose hips or elbows do not certify, but whose owner has chosen to have the OFA results posted on the OFA’s database may earn a point for each OFA public database listing. Dogs who do certify can earn extra points for those certifications.
The program is designed to make versatility awards at some level accessible for all dogs and all owners. For example, if a dog does not have the health credentials and/or conformation quality to be a breeding prospect, the dog can still earn points in the “Responsible Ownership” category by being spayed or neutered, in recognition of the owners’ responsible decision not to breed that dog. A dog whose hips or elbows do not certify, but whose owner has chosen to have the OFA results posted on the OFA’s database may earn a point for each OFA public database listing. Dogs who do certify can earn extra points for those certifications.
Cost for each application is $10.00 (by cheque or e-transfer; non-refundable) and must accompany the application and documentation.
Documentation (hard copy/electronic) is required for all earned points. Applicants must send copies (non-returnable) of all titles, certificates, etc. as proof that the dog has earned the title or accomplishment. Any questions of eligibility shall be resolved by the ACDCC Board.

If you have another achievement that you feel should be acknowledge in the non-competitive areas, please contact the Versatility Awards Committee or local Board Member.
Form submissions to:
Chair – ACDCC Versatility Awards Program
1427 Ford Drive, Cavan
Ontario, Canada L0A 1C0