Club Programs
The ACD has traditionally been a working dog and thus the ACDCC has created two programs to acknowledge those dogs that maintain the 'Beauty, Brains & Brawn'.
The Versatility awards program was implemented by the ACDCC for two reasons:
An educational tool for members to promote the health, soundness and welfare of Australian Cattle Dogs &
A recognition program for dogs and owners who have contributed to the breed in the arenas of performance, conformation, and social responsibility.
The following 5 titles are recognised:
VS - Versatility Started
VI - Versatility Intermediate
VX - Versatility Excellent
VCH - Versatility Champion
VMCH - Versatility Master Champion

Ch. Agassiz's The Great Conjunction, SX2, T3, CCF3 aka Jove - Shelley Victoria Photography
The Herding Dog Program was created to award dogs that excelled in what they do naturally - herd livestock
Any dog that is CKC registered and handler that is a member of ACDCC is eligible for the following awards:
Top Herding ACD of the Year
Top ACD Herding Handler OTY
Top ACD Junior Handler OTY
The Top ACD Herding Breeder OFT

Houla HAsd SDSs ATDsc OTDd AFTD-Xd OFTDsm ETD - Sarah Servais Photographe