Constitution and By-laws
Constitution and By-Laws of the ACDCC
(Submitted and approved by CKC 2024)
1.1. The name of the Club shall be The Australian Cattle Dog Club of Canada. Herein after termed the "Club".
1.2. The Club shall operate in all of Canada.
2.1. The objects of the Club shall be:
(a). To encourage and promote quality in the breeding of pure-bred Australian Cattle Dogs and to do all possible to bring their natural qualities to perfection;
(b). To encourage the organization of independent local Australian Cattle Dog Specialty Clubs in those localities where there are sufficient fanciers of the breed to meet the requirements of The Canadian Kennel Club;
(c). To urge members of the Club and Australian Cattle Dog breeders to accept the standard of the breed as approved by The Canadian Kennel Club as the premier standard of excellence;
(d). To do all in its power to protect and advance the interest of the breed and to encourage sportsmanlike competition at sanctioned and approved events, including but not limited to: Agility, CGN, Conformation Specialty (including ALT), Herding, Junior Handling (Conformation) and Obedience, under the rules of The Canadian Kennel Club, and abide by The Canadian Kennel Club Code of Ethics.
(e). The Club shall take all necessary steps to investigate and comply with Federal and Provincial Guidelines with respect to clubs and corporations;
(f). To operate on a nonprofit basis. Any resulting surplus shall not be used to the benefit of any member of the Club;
(g). To urge the members of the Club to adopt and from time to time to revise such By-Laws as may be required to carry out these objects;
(h). Maintain CKC recognition by adhering to the Policy set out by CKC and acknowledge that any changes to such Policy from time to time will supersede any contravention within this Constitution and/or By-Laws.
3.1. Membership year shall be from November 1 to October 31 each year.
3.2. Dues
(a). Membership dues shall be payable by November 1st of each year.
(b). Membership dues may be reviewed and revised, as necessary at the Annual General Meeting.
3.3. Renewals
(a). Membership renewals and dues are due within 60 days of November 1, annually.
(b). Renewals do not require signatures or endorsements, however, they do require submitting to the Secretary current contact information, and acknowledgment of the Breeder’s Code of Ethics if they wish to be on the Club’s list of breeders provided to the public.​
3.4. Eligibility ​
(a). Membership is open to persons in accordance with section 13.1 and who subscribe to the purpose of the Club.
3.5. Types of Membership:
​(a). Regular (Voting):
i. Family Membership: This membership is open to two adults living in the same household. This membership pays dues, has two votes (one for each adult), receives one newsletter, can hold office and has all normal duties and obligations as two members. Only one member of a family residing at the same address may hold a position of Club Officer at any time, as per Section 5.4* of this article.
ii. Single Membership: Is open to all persons 18 years of age or older. This membership pays dues, has a vote, receives a newsletter, can hold office and has all the normal duties, obligations and responsibilities of a member of the Club.
iii. Lifetime Membership: Is open to those persons who have maintained a minimum of 5 years of continuous membership without having had a lapse in voting rights. This membership pays a onetime due, will have the same duties, obligations and privileges as the type of membership (single or family) that they have maintained for the prerequisite years for the lifetime of the member.
(b). Associate (Non-Voting):
i. Junior Membership: Is open to all persons under the age of 18. This membership pays dues, receives anewsletter, but may not make motions, vote or hold office. At the coming of age, these members can renew as a regular Single Membership.
ii. Honorary Membership: Is open to those persons who have displayed significant service benefiting the Club's objectives. A 2/3 vote approval of the Board of Directors, and written acceptance of the applicant is required. This type of membership pays no dues, is ineligible to vote, has no obligations but otherwise
has all rights and privileges of membership. Honorary members may elect to become a Regular member by paying dues.
iii. Mentorship: Is open for all new ACD owners that have not previously been a member of the Club. This type of membership pays no dues, is ineligible to vote, has no obligations, no rights, or privileges of membership, other than a subscription to the newsletter. After the end of the fiscal year, this membership must apply for any Regular membership as per section 3.6.
3.6. Application for Membership:
(a). Each applicant for membership shall apply on a form as approved by the Board of Directors and the applicant shall agree to abide by this Constitution and By-Laws and the rules of The Canadian Kennel Club and, allow for the publication of personal information in the newsletter and Club Membership List. The application shall state the name and address of the applicant and it shall carry the endorsement of two current Club members in good standing. Accompanying the application, the prospective member shall submit dues payment for the current year.
(b). Membership renewals and dues are due within 60 days of November 1, annually. Renewals do not require signatures or endorsements.
3.7. Approval of Membership:
(a). Applicants’ names and addresses will be published for approval by the general membership in the newsletter. In the event there is no newsletter being published in the next 30 days, the Secretary or Membership Chairperson, if one is so appointed by the Board, will send, by email to the membership, the applicant's information to all current members that would normally receive a newsletter.
(b). Affirmative votes of 2/3 of the general membership shall be required to elect an applicant. Affirmation will be considered given unless contrary votes of 1/3 or more of the general membership are received by the Secretary (or Membership Chair) within 1 month of publication of the applicant's name.
(c). Within 30 days of affirmation, each newly approved member shall receive from the Secretary, or Membership Chairperson, if one is so appointed by the Board , a Membership List, a list of Breeder's code of Ethics member breeders, the Australian Cattle Dog official Breed Standard, a copy of the Constitution and By-Laws, new member's membership number, the URL web page address of the Club's official web site and any social media accounts and any other information which may be added with respect to Club policies, procedures and programs.
(d). An applicant whose membership application has been rejected or denied will be provided with a reason for such rejection/denial, in writing, within 30 days of the decision.
3.8. Termination of Membership
(a). Resignation. Any member in good standing may resign from the Club upon providing written notice to the Secretary.
(b). Lapsing. A membership will be considered as lapsed and automatically terminated if such member's dues remain unpaid 60 days after November 1 of the fiscal year. However the Board of Directors may grant an additional 60 days grace in meritorious cases.
(c). Expulsion. A membership may be terminated by expulsion as provided in section 13 or section 14 of these bylaws.
3.9. Voting Privileges
(a). An individual must be a Single or Family member for 12 consecutive months prior to being granted voting privileges.
(b). Unpaid membership dues shall constitute denial of voting privileges.
(c). Lifetime members will maintain voting privileges for their lifetime or, until such time their membership is terminated, suspended or otherwise.
4.1. Officers:
(a). The Officers of the club shall be the President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, or combined Secretary/Treasurer.
(b). The President and Vice-President, together with one of the Secretary or Treasurer must be residents of Canada and members of the CKC in good standing.
4.2. Regional Directors:
(a). The Regional Directors of the club shall represent a minimum of four (4) of the six (6) regions across Canada,and must reside in the region they represent. These regions being:
i. British Columbia;
ii. The Territories;
iii. The Prairies;
iv. Ontario;
v. Quebec; and
vi. the Atlantic Provinces.
4.3. Board of Directors/Executive
(a). The Board of Directors shall be composed of eight (8) elected representatives; being the Officers and the Regional Directors, all of whom are residents of Canada.
(b). General management of the Club's affairs shall be entrusted to the Board of Directors.
(c). Will appoint standing committees as required to advance the work of the Club in such matters as Herding trials, Conformation shows, awards, education and other fields which may well be served by committees. Such committees shall always be subject to the final authority of the Board. Ad hoc committees may from time to time be appointed by the Board to aid the Board in specific projects. Any committee appointment may be terminated by a majority vote of the Board upon written notice being sent to the appointee, and the Board may appoint a successor to the person whose services have been terminated.
(d). Officers, Directors, and members at large of the club are indemnified for any costs, expenses, or liabilities necessarily incurred in connection with the defense of any action, suit, or proceeding in which they are made a party by reason of being or having been a member serving in an elected or appointed capacity. No member shall be indemnified when judged in the action or suit to be liable for negligence or misconduct in the performance of duty.
4.4. Duties and Responsibilities
(a). PRESIDENT – The President shall be Chief Executive Officer of the Club and shall have the normal powers and duties pertaining to the supervision and management of similar organizations, and:
i. shall preside as Chair at all meetings of the Club and the Board of Directors;
ii. calls special meetings of the Board;
iii. ensures club constitution and/or by-laws are up to date and adhered to;
iv. coordinate and develop ideas and suggestions presented by the members, Directors, or other bodies into motions for the Board of Directors;
v. appoint members to the various committees approved by the Board of Directors;
vi. prepare, develop, or coordinate all instruments necessary under the objectives of the Constitution for final approval by the Board of Directors;
vii. respond, through the office of the Secretary, to all correspondence from members and the public;
viii. insure liaison and communication channels are open between the Club and similar organizations around the world;
ix. will vote only in the case of a tie vote of the Board or Membership; and
x. any other duties that the club deems applicable to the office of the President.
(b). VICE PRESIDENT – will take over the duties of President and exercise the powers of the President in case of absence, resignation/vacancy, or incapacity; and:
i. Is responsible for coordinating all official club programs and awards;, and
ii. Any other duties that the club deems applicable to the office of the Vice-President.
(c). SECRETARY – shall keep a record of all Board and General Meetings of the Club and of all votes taken in order of business in books to be kept for that purpose. If the Secretary is unable to attend a meeting, a recording person will be appointed to record all votes and minutes of all proceedings and return to the Secretary, a detailed account of the meeting for entry in the Club's books; and
i. receive and send correspondence on behalf of the Club;
ii. prepare any and all submissions to the CKC when approved by the Board of Directors and the members,
iii. to notify members of meetings;
iv. to notify new members of their election to membership;
v. to notify Officers and Directors of their election to office;
vi. to keep a roll of current members of the Club complete with addresses, emails, telephone numbers and voting status;
vii. During the month of September the Secretary shall notify each member that dues for the ensuing year are payable;
viii. liaison with the office of the President with respect to all correspondence from members and the public;
ix. it is also the responsibility of the outgoing Secretary to make sure that all changes to the Executive/Board of Directors have been sent to the CKC,
x. carry out such other duties as are prescribed in these By-Laws; and
xi. Any other duties that the club deems applicable to the office of the Secretary.
(d). TREASURER – The Treasurer shall collect and deposit all monies due, or belonging to, the Club in a bank approved by the Board of Directors, in a separate and independent bank account in the name of the Club; and
i. The Treasurer will ensure that the Club membership renewal with the CKC and the renewal of any Club insurance policies are remitted, and that payment is issued for the appropriate amount in a timely manner;
ii. Shall report to the Board of Directors at every meeting the condition of the Club’s finances and every item of receipt, and account of all monies received and expended during the previous fiscal year;
iii. Shall provide a “to date” Financial Report to the membership at the AGM, and will ensure that a final Financial Report is published at the end of each year to the membership;
iv. The Treasurer may also assist the Secretary in their duties at the direction of the Secretary;
v. The Secretary and Treasurer positions can, if necessary, be a combined position; and
vi. Any other duties that the club deems applicable to the office of the Treasurer.
(e). REGIONAL DIRECTORS – shall maintain efficient communication between members of their region and the Club; and
i. to further the objectives and purposes set forth in the Constitution and Bylaws,
ii. to duly consider, and conscientiously decide on, issues brought to its attention by the Board of Directors, and
iii. to develop policies, educational programs, standards, codes of ethics, awards and any other medium designed to promote and enhance the reputation, credibility, and equity of the Club, and
iv. Any other duties that the club deems applicable to the office of the Regional Directors.
4.5. Vacancies
(a). Should a vacancy occur in the office of President, the vacancy shall be filled automatically by the Vice-President and the resulting vacancy in the office of Vice-President shall be filled by a majority vote of the Board from a member of the Board of Directors.
(b). Should another vacancy other than President or Vice-President occur on the Board, the Board may appoint a voting member of the Club in good standing to fill the vacancy.
5.1. The Board of Directors shall remain in office until they resign from the position, or they are defeated in an election.
5.2. The elected Officers and Directors shall take office on November 1st of the year following the election.
5.3. Each of the former Board members shall turn over to his successor in office, all properties and records relating to that office by November 1st of the new term.
5.4. Only one member of a family residing at the same address may hold a position of Club Officer at any time.
6.1. The Board of Directors and the regular members shall have the ability to nominate Officers and Regional Directors for the next term from the regular membership list;
6.2. The Board of Directors shall appoint an Electoral Officer, from the general membership, no later than 60 days prior to each Annual General Meeting.
6.3. The Electoral Officer shall, within 14 days of appointment, send to all voting members in good standing, an announcement calling for nominations. The announcement will include:
(a). Opening and Closing dates for Nominations, which must be no less than 14 days:
(b). Directions how to send all Nominations; by email , mail, or other electronic communication;
(c). Nomination form in substance;
6.4. Nominations of eligible members shall be made to the Electoral Officer and received on or before the date stated on the nomination forms emailed, electronically communicated, or mailed to all members eligible to vote.
6.5. Acceptance of the nominee signifying their willingness to be a candidate shall be acquired by the Electoral Officer.
6.6. Should no nominations be received, the current Board of Directors shall remain in office for another year. In the event that there is a vacancy, Nominations may be made from the floor at the AGM.
7.1. To maintain the Club mandate of Canada-wide representation, elections of Board Members, amendments to the Constitution and By-Laws and amendments to the Breed Standard shall be decided by electronic poll /online voting secured to one anonymous vote per voting member, by email or if necessary, by mail in ballot using dual envelope procedures, as determined by the Board of Directors or any appointed committee chair in consultation with the Board.
(a). Proposed amendments to the Constitution and By-Laws or the Breed Standard shall be decided by a 2/3 majority vote of ballots cast, and in accordance with CKC Policy and Procedures, and counted at the Annual General Meeting or Special General Meeting.
(b). Elections of Board Members shall be decided by a majority vote of ballots cast, counted and/or presented at the Annual General Meeting.
(c). All other motions shall be decided by a majority vote of those voting members present at the Annual General Meeting.
(d). At Board Meetings voting shall be limited to current Board members as per section 4.3 of this article.
(e). All voting results shall be recorded in the minutes of the meeting.
7.2. Each voting member, as per section 3.9 of this article, is entitled to one ballot. Proxies are not permitted.
7.3. For transparency, ballots may be counted/confirmed by two (2) Inspectors who are members in good standing and, in the case of elections, are not candidates on the ballot. Inspectors shall be chosen by the members present at the Annual General Meeting or Special General Meeting.
7.4. At the Annual General Meeting or any Special General Meeting, either in person or online meetings, polling of the membership shall be by show of hands, oral response or by secret ballot.
7.5. The Board of Directors may decide to submit other specific questions, outside of any Annual or Special General Meeting, for decision of the members by electronic poll, email or show of hands, and will be a majority vote.
8.1. The Electoral Officer shall send to each member in good standing, who is eligible to vote, a ballot or listing all of the nominees for each position in alphabetical order, with the names of the province or region in which they reside, and the deadline for submitting ballots.
8.2. All elections must be conducted by secret ballot or digital polling and proxy voting shall not be permitted.
8.3. The type of ballot used may be of a form chosen by the Electoral Officer in consultation with the Board. (e.g., hard copy via mail, email or secure electronic poll)
(a). In the case of electronic voting, the Electoral Officer shall email the list, including the full name of each candidate and the name of the province or region in which they reside, to each eligible voting member of the Club, together with a link to the online ballot. The Membership will be notified of the deadline to vote. An electronic ballot will be secure to have only the Electoral Officer read and publish the results. The Electoral Officer shall announce the results of the electronic ballots at the Annual General Meeting.
(b). In the case of using email ballots, the Electoral Officer shall email the list, including the full name of each candidate and the name of the province or region in which they reside, to each member of the Club. The Membership will be notified of the deadline to vote. The marked ballot will be returned by email to the Electoral Officer. The Electoral Officer will sort the ballots and provide digital copies to the membership for transparency. The Membership will be notified of the specific return date on the ballot. The Electoral Officer shall announce the results of the ballots at the Annual General Meeting.
(c). In the case of using hard copy ballots, the Electoral Officer shall mail the list, including the full name of each candidate and the name of the province or region in which they reside, to each member of the Club, together with a blank envelope and a return envelope addressed to the Electoral Officer. The marked ballot will be returned to the Electoral Officer, postmarked within 30 days from the initial mailing. The Electoral Officer will sort the ballots and provide digital copies to the membership for transparency. The Membership will be notified of the specific return date on the ballot. The Electoral Officer shall announce the results of the ballots
at the Annual General Meeting.
8.4. Each voter, after marking their ballot in the prescribed form to the Electoral Officer, who in turn shall check the returns against the list of members eligible to vote and shall certify the results of the voting which shall be announced at the Annual General Meeting.
8.5. In the event that a declared winner does not accept the position, and it becomes known at or prior to the AGM, nominations will be accepted at the AGM, and voted on by a show of hand/oral polling. If it becomes known after the AGM, then the vacant appointment shall be addressed as per section 4.5.
9.1. Annual General Meeting:
(a). shall be held by means of digital conferencing and may be in conjunction with the National Specialty of each year, as the Board shall by resolution determine, but will be held no later than October 15.
(b). Written notice of the Annual General Meeting shall be made by special announcement by the President, published in the Club newsletter and electronically communicated to each member with details how to attend including any links or security details required.
(c). The quorum for the Annual General Meeting shall be 10% of the total current voting membership, of which 20% or more must not be part of the current Board of Directors, and all of whom must be members in good standing with the Club.
9.2. Special General Meeting:
(a). May be held at any time providing a request is received by the Secretary from a member in good standing. The request must be accompanied by signatures of at least 2/3 of the voting members in good standing. Signatures may be in the form of electronic mail.
(b). A date, place and time is set by the Board of Directors. This meeting may be held in person or by electronic means.
(c). Notification must be sent out at least 30 days and not more than 45 days prior to the meeting. The notice shall state the purpose of the meeting and no other business may be transacted. The quorum for such a meeting shall be 10% of the total current voting membership, of which 20% or more must not be part of the current Board of Directors, and all of whom must be members in good standing with the Club.
9.3. Board Meetings:
(a). The first meeting of the Board of Directors may be held immediately following the election of the new Board of Directors at the Annual General Meeting. In the event that there are new Board members not taking office until the end of the fiscal year, any business and/or votes by this new Board will not take place until the beginning of the next fiscal year.
(b). The Board of Directors shall conduct its business in person, by mail, by electronic mail or by virtual conference call at least 3 times a year. For meetings held by mail, Board members must respond within 30 days of the mailing for their comments and or votes to be recognized. Unless otherwise noted, Board members must respond within 5 days of a meeting held by electronic means for their comments and or votes to be recognized. Virtual conference call meetings and in person meetings shall require a minimum 30 day and maximum 45 day notice. Board meetings shall be conducted by the President and recorded by the Secretary. The quorum for a Board Meeting shall be a majority of the Board of Directors.
9.4. Guests:
(a). Guests are welcome at all in person meetings, unless otherwise specified. Any member may invite guests for any digital conference meeting, unless otherwise specified. Guests of members may, at the discretion of the Chair, address the meeting and let their views be known but they may not vote.
10.1. Any funds being removed from the Club account for purposes of payment to the Canadian Kennel Club or insurance company for payment of Club insurance policy premiums, may be done by way electronic funds transfer;
10.2. All cheques drawn from the Club must have the signature of the Treasurer and one of two (2) other Club officers, unless otherwise approved and directed by the Board, on a case by case basis, to send funds by electronic transfer ;
10.3. The books shall at all times be open to inspection of the Board of Directors;
10.4. All Financial records of the Club shall be the property of the Club and handed over to the President at their request;
10.5. The Club's fiscal year shall begin on the 1st day of November and end on the 31st day of October.
10.6. No officer or director, or member of the club shall receive any remuneration for their services.
11.1. The Club fiscal year is November 1 to October 31.
12.1. Committees may be formed from time to time by resolution of the Board of Directors.
12.2. The committee members will not receive any remuneration.
12.3. Each committee will select a chairperson from amongst themselves. The chairperson will be responsible for organizing committee activities and for reporting to the Board of Directors, but will have no other special status.
12.4. Committees will have such powers granted by the Board of Directors as are necessary for the purpose of the committee.
12.5. The Board of Directors may dissolve a committee or remove members from a committee, if necessary, in order that the mandate is fulfilled.
12.6. There are two types of committees:
(a). Standing Committees: The Board may each year appoint standing committees to advance the work of the Club in such matters as conformation shows, obedience trials, herding trials, trophies, annual prizes, awards, membership, Ways and Means, nominations and other fields which may well be served by committees. Such committees shall always be subject to the financial authority of the Board of Directors and shall prepare an annual report for the Annual General Meeting and upon request by the Board. If the committee chair cannot attend the Annual General Meeting then a written report will be forwarded to the Secretary at least two (2)
weeks prior to the Annual General Meeting
(b). Ad hoc Committees: The Board may from time to time appoint ad hoc committees to aid the Board with specific projects (such as audits, complaints, By-Law amendments, etc.) when the nature of the committee's mandate will be a specific short term assignment.
13.1. Any member who is found guilty of contravening the Animal Pedigree Act, of cruelty to animals or is suspended, debarred, expelled or deprived of privileges of the Canadian Kennel Club automatically shall be suspended from the privileges of this Club for a like period.
14.1. Any member may lay a complaint against a member for alleged misconduct prejudicial to the best interests of the Club or the breed.
14.2. Written complaints containing details of the alleged misconduct must be filed in duplicate with the Secretary together with a deposit of $100.00, which shall be forfeited if the defendant is found not guilty at a hearing of the Board or of a Discipline Committee. This committee will consist of three (3) or five (5) members in good standing which shall be formed from a call for volunteers and who are approved and duly appointed by the Board and for this purpose.
14.3. The Secretary, upon receiving such a complaint, within 30 days shall forward a copy of the complaint, along with a notice of hearing to the defendant, the complainant and each member of the Board or appointed committee.
14.4. The hearing date shall be set no later than 90 days from the date of receipt of the complaint.
14.5. If the hearing is held by the Board, a minimum of five (5) members of the Board must be present. In the event that the hearing is held by a Discipline Committee, at least a majority of the appointed committee shall be present.
14.6. Should a complaint be laid against the Secretary, then the President shall act in accordance with these bylaws.
15.1. The Board or appointed committee shall ensure that both the complainant and the defendant are treated fairly and in accordance with the rules of natural justice. Should the complaint be sustained after hearing all the evidence and testimony presented by the complainant and defendant, the Board or committee may, by a majority vote of those present, impose an appropriate penalty. The Secretary shall then notify each of the parties of the decision within 30 days of the decision.
15.2. A hearing may be conducted in person, by mail, by electronic mail or by electronic conference call.
15.3. The order in which the hearing will be heard:
(a). Call to Order;
(b). Chair Opening Remarks;
(c). Complainant;
(d). Defendant;
(e). Questions;
(f). Deliberations.
15.4. Both the complainant and defendant shall be treated fairly and without prejudice.
16.1. Expulsion of a member from the Club shall be accomplished at an Annual General Meeting or Special General Meeting of the Club following a proper hearing and upon the recommendations of the Board or committee being provided as stated in Section 14 of this Article. The President shall read the complaint and report the findings and recommendations of the Board or appointed committee, and shall invite the defendant, if present, to speak on his own behalf. The meeting shall then vote as per section 7.2 on the proposed expulsion. A 2/3 vote of those present shall be necessary for expulsion.
16.2. At the discretion of the Board, and in severe cases, expulsion may also take place immediately following a hearing with a unanimous vote of the Board.
16.3. The Secretary must provide to the individual within 30 days of a decision being made: the reasons why the member is being expelled, who was involved in the decision, and the decision itself.
16.4. Any member expelled from the Club shall be ineligible to reapply for membership for five (5) years.
17.1. Any person subject to any decision arising out of a complaint filed through a club’s internal disciplinary process may file an appeal.
17.2. Appeals must be filed in writing and forwarded to the Secretary of the club, together with a deposit of $100.00. Should the appeal come from the Secretary, then the President shall act in accordance with these by-laws.
17.3. The Secretary will notify the respondent of the appeal and the procedures within thirty (30) days of receipt of the appeal.
17.4. Both the appellant and respondent will be provided with a date and time of hearing of the appeal a minimum of thirty (30) days before the appeal will be heard/considered.
17.5. Both the appellant and respondent shall have the right to attend the hearing.
17.6. An appeal hearing must not be a retrial but rather a hearing to determine whether or not there is just cause to overturn the finding of the decision-making committee. Arguments presented by the parties to the complaint during the appeal process should, therefore, be limited to this aspect.
17.7. An Appeal Committee shall be appointed and will consist of three (3) to five (5) voting members of the Club upon a call for volunteers, sent by email using the current membership list. No member of the Appeal Committee shall be a member of the current Board of Directors. No member of the Appeal Committee shall have been a member of the Discipline Committee. They must have an impartial and unbiased view without any perceived conflict of interest.
17.8. The Secretary shall inform both the appellant and respondent of any decision in writing within thirty (30) days of the hearing.
17.9. The order in which the hearing will be heard:
(a). Call to Order;
(b). Chair Opening Remarks;
(c). Appellant;
(d). Respondent;
(e). Questions;
(f). Deliberations.
17.10. Both the appellant and respondent shall be treated fairly and without prejudice.
18.1. Amendments to the Constitution, the By-Laws and Breed Standard may be proposed by the Board of Directors or by written petition addressed to the Secretary signed by ten members in good standing.
18.2. Amendments proposed by such petition shall be considered by the Board of Directors at the next Board Meeting and must subsequently be presented to the members of the Club, with the recommendations of the Board within ninety (90) days of the date when the petition was received by the Secretary.
18.3. All proposals will be accumulated and included in an agenda. The Secretary will prepare ballots to be mailed or sent electronically to the general membership. Ballots must be returned by a specified date. Adoption of any amendments will be as per section 7 of the by-laws.
19.1. Amendments to the constitution and/or by-laws will be forwarded to the CKC Shows and Trials Division within thirty (30) days of being passed.
19.2. No amendment to the Constitution, By-Laws or Breed Standard shall become effective until it has been approved by The Canadian Kennel Club.
19.3. CKC approved amendments will be effective immediately.
19.4. The membership will be kept apprised by the Board of Directors of any changes the CKC wish upon the Association’s By-laws and Constitution.
20.1. The Club may be dissolved at any time by the written documented consent of at least 2/3 of the eligible voting members; proxies are not permitted.
20.2. In the event of the dissolution of the Club, other than for the purposes of reorganization, whether voluntary or involuntary or by operation of law, none of the property of the Club, or any proceeds thereof, or any assets of the Club shall be distributed to any members of the Club.
20.3. After all payment of debts of the club, its property and remaining assets shall be donated to a charitable organization for the benefit of dogs, , such organization being selected by the Board of Directors.
21.1. The rules contained in the current edition of Robert’s Rules of Order Newly Revised shall govern the convention in all cases to which they are applicable and in which they are not inconsistent with the bylaws of the Club and these standing rules.
22.1. At meetings of the Club, the order of business, so far as the character and nature of the meeting may permit, shall be as follows;
(a). Roll Call
(b). Minutes of last meeting
(c). Report of President
(d). Report of Secretary
(e). Report of Treasurer
(f). Reports of Committees
(g). National Specialty Selection for upcoming years (at Annual General Meeting):
i. A revision of the National Specialty proposals for upcoming years received by the Secretary will be done, followed by a vote, if necessary, as per section 7.1.c of these by-laws, determining the site of the National Specialty and the Specialty Chair for upcoming years.
ii. All attempts will be made to ensure the National Specialty is held before the end of each fiscal year.
iii. All attempts will be made to ensure proper geographical rotation of the National Specialty throughout Canada, with one province not being host for more than two (2) consecutive years.
(h). Election of Officers and Board (at Annual General Meeting)
(i). Unfinished business
(j). New business
(k). Adjournment
22.2. At meetings of the Board, the order of business, unless otherwise directed by majority vote of those present, shall be as follows:
(a). Reading of minutes of last meeting
(b). Report of Secretary
(c). Report of Treasurer
(d). Reports of Committees
(e). Unfinished business
(f). New business
(g). Adjournment